Friday Conference Reception
Location: Presidents Dining Room and Patio
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Get to know your conference peers at this opening mixer featuring music and light refreshments.
Saturday Seminar Topics
Location: Cultural Center Forum
8:00 AM Registration Opens
9:00 AM NCC Opening Remarks - Judy C. Bailey, M.Ed., EPBSF
9:15 AM Keynote Address: Creating Change through Motor Practice - Shelley Carnes, MS, OTR/L
10:20 AM Accessing Community Through Spelling - Elizabeth Vosseller, MA, CCC-SLP
11:25 AM Whole Body Movement - Dana Johnson, Ph.D., OTR/L, Karen Dorula, MS, OTR/L, Jessica Sibley, MS, OTR/L, Nadine Seaback, MS, OTR/L
12:25 - 1:25 PM Lunch Break
1:30 PM New Directions in Research - Vikram Jaswal, Ph.D.
2:35 PM Engaging the Body and Mind in Group Learning - Meghann Parkinson, Janine Caguicla, Kelsey Aughey
3:35 PM Stretch Break (led by OTs)
3:40 PM Personal Perspectives on Developing Body Brain Connections - Nonspeaking Communicator Panel - Dillan Barmache - Typing for Change, Brent Sullivan - Juniper Hill Farms; Blankets by Brent, Ava Guardado - Eddie Gaurdado Foundation & ACT Today! and Matt Hayes - Hayes Academy, Niko Boskovic (with Moderator Elizabeth Vosseller)
Sunday Break-Out Sessions
Location: Cultural Center Forum and Side Seminar Rooms
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Letterboard Essentials - Kelsey Aughey and Meghann Parkinson
The Legal Right to Communicate Effectively - Tauna Szymanski
*Whole Body Movement - Practical Application - Dana Johnson, Karen Dorula, Jess Sibley
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Lesson Writing Fundamentals - Meghann Parkinson, Janine Caguicla
Including Spellers in Schools: Lessons Learned along the Way - Dana Johnson, PhD, OT/R; Shelley Carnes, MS OT/R; Elizabeth Vosseller, MA, CCC-SLP
*Finding your Rhythm: Optimal Rhythms for Movement and Communication - Casey DePriest
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Coaching Parents in Providing Access and Support for Communication: A Research Experience Across AAC Methods - Casey L. Woodfield and Fernanda T. Orsati
Personal Perspectives - Parent Panel: Andrea Darroch, Justin Draycott, Rene Hayes, Annette O'Brien, Elizabeth Reece (with Moderator Shelley Carnes)
*Collaborative Writing - Practical Application - Elizabeth Vosseller, Janine Caguicla, Meghann Parkinson
*These break outs are specifically designed for nonspeakers to engage their body and minds, however everyone is encouraged to attend the break out sessions they are most interested in!
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
The Future of the Nonspeaking Community Consortium: NCC Board President Christie Vosseller