
9:00 - 4:00 pm

9:00 AM NCC Opening Remarks

Judy C. Bailey, M.Ed., EPBSF

9:15 AM Keynote Address: Creating Change through Motor Practice

Shelley Carnes, MS, OTR/L

Self-advocates, researchers and neuroscientists are creating awareness and suggesting new insights into understanding sensory motor differences. These sensory motor differences may include difficulties starting, stopping, continuing, combining and switching motor action, speech, thought, memory and emotion. Shelley will discuss the brain systems behind these actions and offer revolutionary ideas regarding supports and strategies to build more purposeful actions and autonomy for all students.

10:20 AM Accessing Community Through Spelling

Elizabeth Vosseller, MA, CCC-SLP

11:25 AM Whole Body Movement

Dana Johnson, Ph.D., OTR/L, Karen Dorula, MS, OTR/L, Jessica Sibley, MS, OTR/L, Nadine Seaback, MS, OTR/L

1:30 PM New Directions in Research

Vikram Jaswal, Ph.D.

2:35 PM Engaging the Body and Mind in Group Learning

Meghann Parkinson, Janine Caguicla, Kelsey Aughey

3:40 PM Personal Perspectives on Developing Body Brain ConnectionsNonspeaking Communicator Panel 

Dillan Barmache - Typing for Change,  Brent Sullivan - Juniper Hill Farms; Blankets by Brent, Ava Guardado - Eddie Gaurdado Foundation & ACT Today! and Matt Hayes - Hayes Academy, Niko Boskovic (with Moderator Elizabeth Vosseller)


9:00 - 10:30 am

Letterboard Essentials

Kelsey Aughey and Meghann Parkinson

This breakout session is geared to those who are interested in learning the basics of the letterboards. We will cover who they work for, what they are, why they work, and how to get started!

The Legal Right to Communicate Effectively 

Tauna Szymanski

This session will describe, in terms accessible to non-lawyers, the laws that ensure individuals in the United States who have communication-related disabilities are allowed to use and be supported with the effective alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) methods and devices of their choosing.

*Whole Body Movement - Practical Application

Dana Johnson, Karen Dorula, Jess Sibley

The focus of this whole body session is to apply concepts of whole body motor movements and how to break these movements down using a recreational activity. We will teach individuals to complete a warm up, dance sequence and cool down. Parents and participants will be encouraged to practice these moves and parents will learn how to prompt and guide participants through each activity!

11:00 - 12:30 pm

Lesson Writing Fundamentals

Meghann Parkinson, Janine Caguicla

Including Spellers in Schools: Lessons Learned along the Way

Dana Johnson, PhD, OT/R; Shelley Carnes, MS OT/R; Elizabeth Vosseller, MA, CCC-SLP

This team of professionals will present their experiences incorporating the letterboards in 2 different therapeutic private schools, a homeschool co-op group and public schools.  They will discuss what they wanted to do; what they learned; and what they will do next.

*Finding your Rhythm: Optimal Rhythms for Movement and Communication

Casey DePriest

1:30 - 3:00 pm

Coaching Parents in Providing Access and Support for Communication: A Research Experience Across AAC Methods

Casey L. Woodfield and Fernanda T. Orsati

In this presentation Casey and Fernanda will describe a communication coaching approach that teaches parents and/or caregivers how, when and why to provide supports for individuals with autism to use Augmentative and Alternative Communication using a range of access methods. We will focus on preliminary findings from our current research, as well as the general principles that were taught to parents, using this model including: structuring an interaction, providing the individualized support necessary for a response and ending the exchange with success. This presentation highlights the strategies and implications of a coaching approach for parents/caregivers to learn to construct increasingly meaningful, flexible and fruitful communicative opportunities alongside the individuals they support and an experienced trainer.

Personal Perspectives - Parent Panel

Andrea Darroch, Justin Draycott, Rene Hayes, Annette O'Brien, Elizabeth Reece (with Moderator Shelley Carnes)

This panel of parents will share their communication story, share their experience and answer questions.

*Collaborative Writing - Practical Application

Elizabeth Vosseller, Janine Caguicla, Meghann Parkinson

Spellers unite!  Bring your communication partner and join your peers to advocate and develop collaboratively written products to advance your mission!  This session is for spellers, typers and communication partners at all levels.  Professionals will be available to help support your success!

3:00 - 3:30 pm

The Future of the Nonspeaking Community Consortium

NCC Board President Christie Vosseller

Christie will summarize highlights from Motormorphosis 2017, describe what NCC's Board of Directors has been thinking about for future activities, and preview our Google Forms survey to solicit ideas and feedback.


*These break outs are specifically designed for nonspeakers to engage their body and minds, however individuals are encouraged to attend the break out sessions they are most interested in!